Valentine Day Sms 2018

Valentine Day is special day for those who loves some one. I am presenting here top love Valentine Day Sms 2017 who will touch your heart. Read Here top Valentine Day Sms

valentines day sms

विषय सूची

Valentine Day Sms 2017

I am afraid to lose you sms

  • When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.

Everything is for you

  • A sea is for you, and waves are for me.
    The sky is for you, and stars are for me.
    The sun is for you, and light is for me.
    Everything is for you, and you are for me.

Whatsapp Status In hindi

Rules Of Love

  • Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.

You are my Valentine

  • Sweeter than chocolates,
    Sweeter than wind,
    Sweeter than just about everything,
    You are my Valentine,
    Happy I Love You Day.

I love you on this Valentine’s Day

  • Have I told you recently
    that I love you
    well, jst in case I didn't
    2day I want to say it
    0ver and over, and over again
    I love you on this Valentine’s Day.

Wish you happy Valentine’s Day

  • Ur friendship is the most beautiful aspect of my life.
    Remain friends forever.
    Wish you happy Valentine’s Day.

You makes my life lovely

  • 24 hours make a lovely day,
    7 days make a lovely week,
    52 weeks make a lovely year
    & knowing a person like you makes my life lovely.

You're in my thoughts

You're in my thoughts and in my heart
Wherever I may go;
On Valentine's Day I'd like to say
I care more than you know.

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